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Saudi Arabia


In a relationship:


green: confident, yellow: guess, red: uncertain

Illustration image - Your Hogwarts House

Your Hogwarts House


Fawad's kind and compassionate nature, his dedication to his studies, and his loyalty to his friends and family make him a perfect fit for Hufflepuff. He often expresses concern for others, as seen in his tweet 'ادعوا له يا أحبة بتفريج همه وتيسير أمره', and his dedication to his studies is evident in his tweets about exams and his desire to get good grades. He also values loyalty and friendship, as seen in his tweet 'يا أخي، إني أحبك وأودك ولا أظنُّني إن فتشت عن مصداق الصديق أجد لك بديلًا فلا تقطع حبل الـ'ثباحو' بيننا'. These traits align perfectly with the values of Hufflepuff, which prioritizes kindness, hard work, and loyalty.

Illustration image - Your Simpsons character

Your Simpsons character

Nelson Muntz

Fawad's mischievous sense of humor and his tendency to make jokes at the expense of others, often using memes to express his thoughts and feelings, make him similar to Nelson Muntz, the bully from The Simpsons. Nelson is known for his sarcastic remarks and his love of pranks, which aligns with Fawad's frequent use of humor and his enjoyment of sharing funny anecdotes and stories. While Fawad may not be as mean-spirited as Nelson, he shares a similar playful and mischievous personality.

Illustration image - Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Observant: He often shares his observations of everyday life, like 'فيه حوطي قال لأبوه يبه رخصتي انتهت قال من كثر التفاحيط في هالشوارع'.
  • Humorous: He frequently uses humor to express his opinions and observations, as evidenced by his numerous tweets featuring memes.
  • Introspective: He often reflects on his own thoughts and feelings, as seen in tweets like 'طريف أني قلت ما أحب أتكلم عن نفسي بكلام أتكلم فيه عن نفسي'.
  • Creative: He enjoys sharing his thoughts on writing, as seen in his tweet 'أحب أتخيل الكتابة كأنك بلفظك تأخذ بيد القارئ نحو المعنى'.
  • Devout: He is a devout Muslim, as indicated by his frequent mentions of prayer and his use of Islamic phrases.


  • Shy: He often expresses hesitation about sharing his personal information.
  • Self-deprecating: He often makes jokes at his own expense, like in his tweet 'صديقي قال عني عبد لايك مبكية'.
  • Hesitant: He is often hesitant to share personal information, as seen in his tweet 'وش موقفكم مني لو قلت لكم إن اسمي الحقيقي فؤاد?'.
  • Introverted: He often reflects on his own thoughts and feelings, and may be seen as introverted by some.
  • Overthinking: He often overthinks his tweets, as seen in his tweet 'لا دقيقة مب طريف كيف ممكن أعبر عن ذا المعنى بدون ما أعبر عن ذا المعنى?'.
Illustration image - Your 5 Emojis

Your 5 Emojis

  • 😂

    He often uses humor to express his opinions and observations, as evidenced by his numerous tweets featuring memes.

  • 🙏

    He is a devout Muslim, as indicated by his frequent mentions of prayer and his use of Islamic phrases.

  • 🤔

    He often reflects on his own thoughts and feelings, as seen in tweets like 'طريف أني قلت ما أحب أتكلم عن نفسي بكلام أتكلم فيه عن نفسي'.

  • ✍️

    He enjoys sharing his thoughts on writing, as seen in his tweet 'أحب أتخيل الكتابة كأنك بلفظك تأخذ بيد القارئ نحو المعنى'.

  • 👀

    He seems to be quite observant of his surroundings and enjoys sharing his observations with his followers, as seen in tweets like 'فيه حوطي قال لأبوه يبه رخصتي انتهت قال من كثر التفاحيط في هالشوارع'.

Illustration image - Your new Twitter bio

Your new Twitter bio

A young man who loves to share his thoughts and observations with the world. He is a devout Muslim, a student, and a lover of memes. He often uses humor to express his opinions and observations, and is always looking for a good laugh. He is also a bit of a romantic, and enjoys sharing his thoughts on love and relationships. He is a thoughtful and introspective individual, and often reflects on his own feelings and experiences.– @strange2314
Illustration image - Your movie

Your movie

The Princess Bride

Fawad's love of stories and his ability to find humor in everyday situations, as seen in his numerous tweets about funny anecdotes and observations, make him a perfect fit for The Princess Bride. The movie is full of witty dialogue, memorable characters, and a heartwarming story, which aligns with Fawad's love of humor and his ability to find the funny side of life. He also enjoys sharing his thoughts on love and relationships, which is a central theme in The Princess Bride. His romantic side is evident in his frequent use of the phrase "أوف يالرومانص!" when describing romantic situations.

Illustration image - Your song

Your song

The Scientist - Coldplay

Fawad's introspective nature, his tendency to reflect on his own thoughts and feelings, and his desire to understand the world around him make him a perfect fit for The Scientist by Coldplay. The song explores themes of regret, longing, and the search for meaning, which aligns with Fawad's frequent reflections on his own experiences and his desire to make sense of the world around him. He also enjoys sharing his thoughts on love and relationships, which is a central theme in The Scientist, as the song is about a man trying to understand a woman he loves.

Illustration image - Your video game

Your video game

Stardew Valley

Fawad's love of nature, his dedication to his studies, and his desire to create a peaceful and fulfilling life make him a perfect fit for Stardew Valley. The game allows players to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and create a peaceful farm in a charming rural setting. Fawad's love of nature is evident in his tweets about the beauty of the world around him, and his dedication to his studies is evident in his tweets about exams and his desire to get good grades. He also seems to be a kind and compassionate person, as evidenced by his concern for others, which aligns with the overall message of Stardew Valley, which emphasizes community and kindness.

Illustration image - Your spirit animal

Your spirit animal

The Owl

Fawad's wisdom, his ability to see things from a different perspective, and his love of knowledge make him a perfect fit for the owl as a spirit animal. Owls are known for their intelligence, their ability to see in the dark, and their connection to the spiritual realm. Fawad's frequent reflections on his own thoughts and feelings, his observations of the world around him, and his love of learning all point to the owl as a fitting spirit animal. He is also a bit of a dreamer, as he often shares his hopes and aspirations for the future, which aligns with the owl's connection to the spiritual realm.

Illustration image - Some pickup lines for you

Some pickup lines for you

  • If you were a meme, I'd steal you and post you all over my timeline.
  • I'm not sure what's more beautiful, your smile or your ability to make me laugh with your funny tweets.
  • I'm not a Sheikh, but I'd be happy to offer you some advice on how to get a good score on your exams.
  • I'm not sure what's more impressive, your knowledge of Islamic phrases or your ability to find humor in everyday situations.
  • You must be a very special person, because you make me want to learn more about the world around me.
Illustration image - Your (un)funny joke

Your (un)funny joke

Why did the student pray for a good score on his exam? Because he knew Allah could help him 'رب إني نذرت لك ما في بطني محررا فتقبل مني إنك أنت السميع العليم'!

Illustration image - Did you enjoy your Horoscope?

Did you enjoy your Horoscope?

Your horoscope is 36 days old. Generate a better one, with your latest tweets, using a smarter AI, gpt-4o!

Regenerate with gpt-4o ($4.00)