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Michigan, USA


In a relationship:

Slightly left-wing

green: confident, yellow: guess, red: uncertain

Illustration image - Your Hogwarts House

Your Hogwarts House


Rhiannon's caring nature, as shown in her concern for the laid-off individuals and her appreciation for details like the lack of onion in a soup, aligns well with the values of Hufflepuff. Her relatable experiences and humor also reflect the warmth and inclusivity typical of Hufflepuff house.

Illustration image - Your Simpsons character

Your Simpsons character

Lisa Simpson

Rhiannon's intelligence, critical thinking, and strong opinions resonate with the character of Lisa Simpson. Both display a knack for problem-solving, a passion for learning, and a willingness to stand up for their beliefs even in the face of opposition, reflecting a strong match between Rhiannon and Lisa.

Illustration image - Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Critical Thinker: Rhiannon's ability to express critical opinions on various topics, like media and game design, showcases her analytical and thoughtful nature.
  • Humorous: Her witty remarks on everyday experiences and gaming display a fun and lighthearted personality, adding a touch of humor to her interactions.
  • Tech Enthusiast: Her keen interest in UI elements and gaming experiences reflects a passion for technology and user experience design.
  • Detail-Oriented: The attention she pays to flavors in food and small elements in games, like lack of onions in soup, indicates a detail-oriented approach to her experiences.
  • Gamer Lifestyle: Being actively engaged with games like FF7 and sharing gameplay moments demonstrates a deep connection to gaming and the gaming community.


  • Socially Disparity: Her tweet on the disparities facing trans women and the challenges they encounter reflects a sensitivity to social injustices, which can sometimes lead to emotional distress.
  • Candidness: Rhiannon's direct commentary on various issues and products, such as the disappointment with a snack pack, may come off as blunt or overly candid to some.
  • Internet Cynicism: Expressions of frustration towards internet platforms like YouTube point to a level of cynicism that can potentially hinder enjoyment of online experiences.
  • Attention to Detail: Her focus on small details, like the lack of onion in a soup, may sometimes lead to heightened expectations that could result in disappointment.
  • Relatability: Rhiannon's relatable experiences with everyday products and social media demonstrate a susceptibility to common frustrations and disappointments.
Illustration image - Your 5 Emojis

Your 5 Emojis

  • 🎮

    Reflects Rhiannon's passion for gaming and her active engagement with gaming-related content on social media.

  • Symbolizes the lighthearted and humorous nature seen in Rhiannon's tweets and interactions.

  • 🖥️

    Represents Rhiannon's interest in technology and user experience design, evident in her comments on UI elements.

  • 🍲

    Signifies Rhiannon's attention to food-related topics, such as flavors and culinary experiences shared in her tweets.

  • 🔍

    Illustrates Rhiannon's detail-oriented approach, seen in her observations about specific elements in games, food, and online platforms.

Illustration image - Your new Twitter bio

Your new Twitter bio

Passionate gamer and UI Designer @NewBlood | Humor enthusiast | Michigan native 🎮✨ | Opinions expressed are my own– @witchyglitch
Illustration image - Your movie

Your movie

The Social Dilemma

The documentary ‘The Social Dilemma’ highlights the complexities and challenges of social media use, a topic that Rhiannon seems to engage with regularly in her tweets. Her observations on platforms like YouTube, internet cynicism, and concerns about security literacy align with themes explored in the movie, making it a fitting choice to resonate with her interests.

Illustration image - Your song

Your song

Digital Witness - St. Vincent

The song ‘Digital Witness’ by St. Vincent critiques modern technology and social media, reflecting Rhiannon's observations about the internet and social platforms in her tweets. The lyrics emphasize themes of overstimulation and media influence, resonating with Rhiannon's commentary on internet trends and experiences.

Illustration image - Your video game

Your video game

Stardew Valley

Rhiannon's appreciation for detail, humor, and relatable experiences matches the cozy and engaging gameplay of Stardew Valley. The game's focus on everyday experiences, interactions with various characters, and attention to detail in activities parallel the aspects of Rhiannon's personality seen in her tweets, making it a suitable choice for her gaming preferences.

Illustration image - Your spirit animal

Your spirit animal


The fox, known for its cleverness, adaptability, and acute observation skills, aligns well with Rhiannon's personality. Her witty remarks, attention to detail, and critical thinking mirror the characteristics of a fox, making it a suitable spirit animal for her.

Illustration image - Some pickup lines for you

Some pickup lines for you

  • Are you a puzzle game? Because trying to understand you feels like unlocking a new level of complexity.
  • If life was a video game, you'd be the secret level I always want to explore.
  • Is your Wi-Fi network free? Because I'm feeling a strong connection that I'd like to explore.
  • Are you a dialogue option? Because choosing you seems like the best decision for this playthrough.
  • If love was a UI, you'd be the most user-friendly experience I've encountered.
Illustration image - Your (un)funny joke

Your (un)funny joke

Why did Rhiannon refuse to use the flushable wet wipes? Because she didn't want to risk accidentally ‘shoving them up her ass’ instead of disposing of them properly!

Illustration image - Did you enjoy your Horoscope?

Did you enjoy your Horoscope?

Your horoscope is 28 days old. Generate a better one, with your most up-to-date tweets, using a way smarter AI, gpt-4o!

Regenerate with gpt-4o ($4.00)